Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy

Privacy and cookie policy pursuant to Art 13 of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (“GDPR”).
Cooperlat Soc.Coop.Agricola with registered office in Via Piandelmedico, 74 – 60035 Jesi (AN), Italy (hereinafter "Cooperlat") has an ongoing commitment to protect the privacy of its online users.

1) Source of personal data and Data Controller

This document has been drafted in accordance with art. 13 of Regulation EU 2016/679 (hereinafter: the "Regulation") in order to publish our privacy policy privacy. A description is provided of the general ways in which the personal data of website users and cookies are used as well as how your personal information is processed when you visit our website and all the landing pages associated with it (hereinafter the “Sites”).
The information and the data provided by you or acquired by other means when using the services of Cooperlat, - such as for example the newsletters, hereinafter referred to as the "Services" -, will be processed in accordance with the legal requirements and confidentiality obligations that the activities of Cooperlat are based on.
In accordance with the Regulatory requirements, the processing carried out by Cooperlat will be based on the principles of lawfulness, fairness, transparency, with limited purpose and storage, minimised data, accuracy, integrity and confidentiality.
The Controller of the Data processed through the Sites is Cooperlat Soc.Coop.Agricola with registered office in Via Piandelmedico, 74 – 60035 Jesi (AN), Italy as identified above to which written application may be made for any information regarding the handling of personal data.
This Policy is for these Sites only and does not apply to any other websites that the user may be redirected to by means of links. Please see the specific sections of those Sites where you can find the specific policies along with any requests for consent to individual processing acts.

2) Types of data

You are informed that following navigation through the Sites, Cooperlat will process only the following type of personal data (art. 4(1) of the Regulation) - "Personal data". More specifically, the Personal data processed by the Sites are as follows:

a) Browsing data
During the course of normal operations, the computerised systems and software procedures used to make the Sites work capture certain Personal data, the transmission of which is implicit in Internet communication protocols. This information is not collected to be associated with specific data subjects, but due to its nature it could, by means of processing and association with data held by third parties, make it possible to identify users. This category of data includes IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users to connect to the Sites, addresses in URI notation (Uniform Resource Identifier) of the resources requested, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file received in reply, the numerical code indicating the status of the reply given by the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters regarding the operating system and the user’s IT environment. These data are only used for the purpose of gathering anonymous statistical information on use of the Sites and to check correct working operation (see “Use of Cookies”), to identify irregularities and/or abuse, and are deleted immediately after being processed. The data may be used by the relevant authorities to ascertain responsibility in the event of any computer crimes that harm the Sites.

b) Data given freely by the data subject
Apart from what has been stated for browsing data, the user is free to provide personal data on the forms on the websites ( subscribe to the newsletter, information requests and/or product alerts, etc.). Failure to provide such information could make it impossible for the Service to be supplied. In such cases only the information strictly necessary for the Service in question will be requested.

3) Purpose of the processing and legal basis

The processing of personal data that we intend to carry out, subject to your specific consent where necessary, is for the purpose of allowing us to supply the Site Services.
The legal basis of the processing is to carry out preliminary processes prior to the data subject entering into a contract (art. 6(1)(b) of the Regulation) as the processing is necessary to provide the Service.
Giving consent for the use of Personal data for these purposes is optional but failure to do so may make it impossible to activate the Services provided by the Sites.

4) Recipients of personal data

Your Personal data may be shared for the above purposes with:

  • persons authorised by Cooperlat to process the Personal data needed to carry out the activities strictly necessary to provide the Services, who are bound to confidentiality or who have a legal obligation to confidentiality (e.g. employees and system administrators).
  • Third parties involved in managing the Sites who act typically as Data Processors.
  • persons, public authorities or agencies to whom your Personal data must be disclosed for legal reasons or by order of the authorities.

5) Data Processors

XPlace - located in via Alessandro Volta, 19, 60027 Osimo AN – has been appointed as the Data Processor in accordance with art. 28 of the GDPR, as the company takes care of technical maintenance of the Sites.
A complete list of all the personal data processors is available at the registered office.

6) Transfer of data to a third country or international organisation

No data is transferred to countries outside the EU or to international organisations.

7) Your privacy rights pursuant to articles 15 et seq. of the Regulation

Under terms of articles 15 et seq. of the Regulation, you have the right to ask Cooperlat at any time, for access to your Personal data, for its rectification or erasure or to object to such processing. You also have the right to request restriction of the processing in the cases provided for in art. 18 of the Regulation, as well as to obtain the personal data concerning you in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, in the cases provided for in art. 20 of the Regulation.
Requests should be made in writing to the following address: Servizio Privacy - Cooperlat Soc.Coop.Agricola.– Via Piandelmedico, 74 -60035 Jesi (AN) or by email to In any case you always have the right lodge a complaint with the relevant supervisory authority (The Italian Data Protection Authority), pursuant to art. 77 of the Regulation, if you consider the processing of your Personal Data to be in contravention of the Regulation.

8) Modifications

This privacy policy is in force as of 25 May 2018. Cooperlat reserves the right to modify or simply update the content, either in whole or in part, including due to changes in the applicable laws. Cooperlat will give you notice of any such modifications as soon as they are introduced and these will be binding from the moment they are published on the site.
Cooperlat therefore invites you to visit this section regularly to stay informed of the most recent and updated version of the privacy policy so you will always be kept up to date on the data collected and on how Cooperlat uses it.

9) Use of Cookies

This site uses cookies. By using our website the user accepts and consents to the use of cookies in compliance with the terms of use of cookies stated in this document.
What are cookies?
Cookies are text files that contain packages of information stored on your computer or mobile device every time you visit a site online by means of a browser. With each subsequent visit the browser sends these cookies to the website where they originated or to another site.
Cookies allow the sites to record certain information making it quicker and easier to browse online. There are two main types of cookies: session cookies and persistent cookies. Session cookies are deleted by the computer automatically when you close the browser, while persistent cookies remain stored in your computer unless you remove them or they reach their expiry date.The cookies on our sites

Our sites use the following cookies for the following purposes: Session cookies – The session cookie saves and recalls statistics for a given user. The information is stored by the server and only the unique ID contained in the cookie is shared between the user and the server. The information Stored on the server stays in the memory until the session ends. The cookie itself contains no personal data. How to disable cookies If you decide to block cookies we would remind you that doing so could have a negative impact on the usability of certain websites. Most browsers allow you to refuse or accept cookies. There follows some practical information on how to disable cookies on the browser you are using.

Internet Explorer 9

  • Open the Internet explorer window.
  • Click on “Tools”.
  • Go to “Safety” and then click on “Delete browsing history”.
  • Tick the “cookies” box and then click on “delete”.
  • Click on “Safety” on the bar.
  • Select “Delete browsing history”.
  • Select the cookies and then click on “delete”.
Internet Explorer 8

Alternatively, the new InPrivate browsing function in Internet Explorer 8 allows the user to navigate online without leaving any trace on the sites visited (including cookies). To use the InPrivate mode:
  • Click on “Safety” on the bar.
  • Select "InPrivate Browsing".
  • Exit Internet Explorer 7, and close all Windows Explorer windows.
  • Click on “Start”, “Run”, and type in inetcpl.cpl, then click on “OK”.
  • On the “General” tab click on “Delete” under “Browsing history” in the box “Internet Properties” box.
  • In the “Delete browsing history” box click on “Delete Cookies”.
  • In the “Delete Cookies” box click on “Yes”.
Internet Explorer 7.x
  • Exit Internet Explorer 7, and close all Windows Explorer windows.
  • Click on “Start”, “Run”, and type in inetcpl.cpl, and then click on “OK”.
  • On the “General” tab click on “Delete” under “Browsing history” in the “Internet Properties” box.
  • In the “Delete browsing history” box click on “Delete Cookies”.
  • In the “Delete Cookies” box click on “Yes”.
Internet Explorer (all other versions)

Internet Explorer saves cookies in different places depending on the browser version and the Microsoft Windows system used. The best way to find and delete cookies is to close Internet Explorer and use Windows Explorer for example, then look for a folder called “cookies”.

Google Chrome
  • Click on the “settings” in the top right of the menu.
  • Select “Settings”.
  • At the bottom of the page, click on Show advanced settings.
  • In the "Privacy" section, click on Content settings.
  • To disable cookies, change the Allow sites to save and read cookie data setting (or alternatively remove all cookies created in a given time interval by selecting it from the drop-down menu).
  • Select "Delete browsing data" to delete all traces from sites you have visited.
  • Select "Delete download history” to delete the files and programs you have downloaded.
  • Select “Empty cache” to delete the pages of sites stored in the cache memory.
  • You can also delete passwords saved (those you have used to access sites) and the data saved for filling in forms (for example name and surname).
  • Then Click on the “Delete browsing data” button.
  • Click on the “Close” button.
Mozilla Firefox
  • In the top of the Firefox window click on the Firefox button and select “Options” then go to the “Privacy” panel.
  • In the “Cookies” panel, click on “Show Cookies”.
  • To remove a single cookie, click on the individual entry in the list and then click on the remove cookie button.
  • To remove all cookies, click on the Remove all cookies button.
  • From the drop-down menu, click on “Preferences”.
  • Select the “Safety” tab.
  • Click on the “Show cookies” button.
  • Select the cookies you wish to remove from the list.
  • Click on the “Delete” button.
Safari (MacOS X)
  • From the drop-down menu click on “Preferences”.
  • Select the “Safety” tab.
  • Click on the “Show cookies” button.
  • Select the cookies you wish to remove from the list.
  • Click on the “Delete” button.

03/03/2020 08:41:23

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